Category: Japanese Culture 日本の文化

  • Festivals / 祭りの秋

    Festivals / 祭りの秋


    October is a month of fruits, readings, sports, art, and — more than those — festivals. There were various kinds of festivals in Kiba Park, which was close to my house. The biggest one was the Koto Kumin Matsuri festival from the 16th through the 17th of October.


    Performance by Vivace
    It was the third time for me to see this festival, so there was nothing new in it. Everything was almost the same as usual. All I did there were to eat Indian foods bought from stalls inside the park and to watch a performance by Vivace, a marching band consisting of only female employees of ALSOK, a Japanese security company.

    In the same days, there was a festival by the students of the University of the Sacred Heart, which had been built in the former residence of Empress Dowager Nagako, the previous Emperor Hirohito’s wife. This university is for women only, so it’s usually closed to people other than the students of it, except on special days like the festival. I wanted to get inside the university because I wanted to see the historical houses inside, such as the former house of Nagako and the chapel of the university. During the festival, the university was open to the public, so it was one of the perfect chances to see them, which wouldn’t come so many times.

    After seeing the Koto Kumin Matsuri, I went to Hiroo to see the festival of the University of the Sacred Heart called Seishinsai. I took the subway to Shibuya and there I took a bus to Japan Red Cross Medical Center, where I got off the bus, and I had a gate of the university. After the ID check at the gate, I got inside and walked along the path for several minutes then I had the Palace, the former house of the Prince Kuninomiya, where his daughter Nagako had been raised and lived until she had married the previous Emperor Hirohito.




    The Palace
    The Palace The Palace
    The Palace パレス

    The Kuni House
    The Kuni House, the site of the main entrance of the Palace, where Empress Nagako departed to the Imperial Palace at her wedding.


    The Marian Hall
    The Marian Hall, an auditorium of USH. The Latin phrase on the top made me feel it was gorgeous.

    The Chapel
    The chapel, used daily for masses and prayers. An alumna of USH can use it for her wedding.

    Interior of the Chapel
    The interior of the chapel, where the student choir practised singing. I heard their sounds reflected in multiple directions on the round ceiling and resonated fantastically. I admired its gimmick of construction for helping Catholics feel God’s Power.

    Besides, there was an open-air stage, stalls selling foods and goods, and many kinds of events and amusements during the festival, but I left in haste because there were such young and bright boys and girls that a middle-aged man like me couldn’t stay any longer 🙂



  • かなまら祭り

    A man on the cannon

    YES     NO


  • How can I pray for getting such a big one?

    A man on the cannon
    First of all, I’d like to ask you if you are of AGE 18 OR UP? If so, you can continue reading. Otherwise, please leave.


  • 節分です

    The eho-maki roll

  • 清澄庭園にて


    Kiyosumi Garden


  • Kiyosumi Garden

    Today I went for a walk to Kiyosumi Garden, within a 15-minute walk from my house, because it was a sunny Japanese Thanksgiving Day and I wanted to get out of my house.

    These are photos. They make me feel at ease.

    Kiyosumi Garden

    The rest are uploaded on Flickr.

  • HIMEMIKO*WEB is up again

    I’ve changed my mind. In the beginning of this year I said I’d give up keeping my Japanese history website HIMEMIKO*WEB to move my content to Wikipedia, but I find it’s better to keep them here than in Wikipedia or other websites.
    Anyway visit for details.

  • Softbank announces Nokia N82 and E71 to be released in Japan

    Softbank has announced today that 16 types of its "2008 winter model" cell phones will be released this winter. Among them, Nokia N82 will be on sale in the middle of this November and Nokia E71 in this December.

    Nokia N82 is a tiny, light cell phone with a 5 Megapixels of digital camera where an auto-focused Carl-Zeiss Tessar lens and a Xenon flashlight are equipped. HSDPA data receptions, Bluetooth v2.0 (A2DP, HFP, HSP, DUN, BPP and more profiles), wireless LAN connections (IEEE802.11 b/g) are available. You can play YouTube motion videos with it. An internal GPS antenna is equipped and navigation is available using NAVITIME for Smartphone or Nokia Maps.

    Nokia E71 is a business-use smartphone with a QWERTY-style full keyboard, covered with stainless steel. It's a bit smaller than Nokia E61, the previous model, and unlike E61, this has a 3.2-Megapixel camera. HSDPA connections and wireless LAN access are also available like N82.

    These phones will be released from Softbank Mobile, but unlike other Japanese typical cell phones, they has no "Softbank" logos printed on their body.nor are they named any carrier-oriented model numbers like "X03NK". They are called just "Nokia N82" or "Nokia E71", like those sold in the rest of the world.

    They attract me very much. I want to get at least one of them!

  • Events at Kiba Park / 木場公園のイベントたち

    Kiba Park is within a few minutes’ walk from my house. Various events are performed almost every week.

    Mikoshi parade

    Two weeks ago there was Oedo mikoshi matsuri (mikoshi festival) with tens of mikoshis.

    Performance by Women's Guard of Honor Brass and Percussion Corps of ALSOK
    Talk show with Mikako Kotani and Koto Ward Governor

    And, Koto Kumin Matsuri (Koto Ward citizens’ festival) was hold last weekend. There were many booths where staff members sold foods and items from all over the nation as well as foreign countries life Philippines, Bangladesh, Peru and more.




    The Kiba-no-kakunori show
    The Kiba-no-kakunori show
    The Kiba-no-kakunori show
    The Kiba-no-kakunori show
    The Kiba-no-kakunori show
    The Kiba-no-kakunori show

    The Kiba-no-kakunori (riding-on-a-square-timber) show is Kiba neighborhood’s traditional acrobatics.


    Fukagawa strong man show
    Fukagawa strong man show

    This is Fukagawa no chikaramochi (Fukagawa strong man show). It’s one of Fukagawa area’s traditional entertainments. Expert can do like this:


    Fukagawa strong man show
