Category: Yuki’s Diary 日記

  • 亜米利加さんに逝ってきました in 相模Depot


    米陸軍相模総合補給廠(Sagami Depot)で9/22~23の2日間、ミュージックフェスティバルということでオープンゲートがありました。私は2日目の9/23に行ってきました。

    Sagamihara music festival


  • Movable Type upgraded

    I installed Movable Type 4.01 (the latest version) for this blog and had all the templates initialized and archive mappings reconfigured to make them compatible for 4.01. The skins were completely changed and template structures became too complicated to customize each page. I have to learn again.

  • Movable Typeをアップグレードしますた

    私のブログのMovable Typeを4.01にアップグレードしてみました。

  • 結果が来ました


  • 栃木・群馬の旅


    The Sound of Music



  • Medical checkups

    Becoming over 33 years old, health is a bigger concern for me. Blood pressure is getting much higher and I'm getting more weight than ten years ago. I'm feeling more tired than in my twenties. It seems to be a good time for me to check up my overall body conditions.
    I was in hospital to have a two-day comprehensive medical examination so-called "ningen dock" in Japanese. The company employing me paid for all costs.

    View from NTT East Izu Hospital
    When I arrived to the hospital in the morning, I had to change my clothes into special ones. Soon I had a few bottles of blood taken by a nurse for blood tests. It was very tough for me because I had not eaten anything more than twelve hours before (Doctor told me not to do). After the blood tests, I was taken to a room where a few dozens of people were waiting in a group. Having a short orientation, a bottle of carbonated water containing glucose was handed in each of us, and we were told to drink it. After drinking the water, we had our blood taken every one hour to check our blood glucose levels. Two hours later, when we finished drawing the second blood samples, we were allowed to have lunch. The lunch was very nice for us because we hadn't eaten anything for over fourteen hours.
    After the lunch, we had various kinds of examinations, ranging from ECG (electric cardiogram) to ultrasound sonography test and CT scans.
    After this day's tests were complete, we took a bath and had dinner in the mess hall. Very gorgeous.

    The second day's examinations, EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) and colonoscopy, were the first time for me and the toughest. But it was very important to find any polyps or cancer on my stomach, colon or rectum.
    All test were finished and we had brunch.

    In the afternoon each of us were invited in turn in front of the doctor's desk and had some advice for health. For me, my body was almost fine except for high blood pressure and high uric acid and neutral fat levels the exams revealed. I seem to need more exercise, more vegetables, more fruits, less weight, less alcohol, less salt, less fat and less animal products. Anyway, it was very important and meaningful for my future to find out how my current body conditions were. My first course of action would be to have Billy's Boot Camp 😉

  • 2日目



  • 入院中です


  • Visiting US military bases

    I love to visit the US military bases located within Japan, such as Yokota Air Base, Camp Zama, Atsugi Naval Air Facility, Yokosuka Naval Base, etc. They are usually closed to civilians and normal Japanese people, but they open the gates a few times a year so that everybody can get into the bases (within limited areas, though).
    Actually I’m not so much interested in military affairs, but I just want to know how the people (employees and their families) are living as normal Americans. I just want to get what they get, I want to eat what they eat, I want to drink what they drink, and I want to feel what they feel. These bases are very convenient for me to "enjoy America" without flying many hours.
    Yokota Air Base is within an easy driving distance from my house. Friendship Festival is held in an August weekend every year. Every time I go to Yokota, I get T-shirts, first aid kits and tens of cans of soda and beer within my backpack at temporary stores.
    Japanese-American Friendship Festival, Yokota AB
