Category: Eating and Cooking 食・料理

  • A walk in London

    (Continued from A stroll in Haworth) On the third day, I checked out of the Heathfield B&B on the rainy morning. Since it was a weekday, Keighley Worth & Valley Railway was out of service. The mistress took me to the nearest bus stop on Rawdon Road and told me to wait there for the…

  • ハワース散策

    (本当のイギリスへの旅からの続きです) ヒースフィールド・ベッド&ブレックファーストの朝食はまさにブリティッシュ・ブレックファーストで、目玉焼き、フライドポテト、マッシュルーム、トマトを半分にして焼いたやつ、ベーコン、ソーセージ2本、そしてシリアル、トースト、オレンジジュースに紅茶とすごいボリュームでした。イギリスの朝食時間帯はちょうど日本の夕食どきなので、一番食が進む時です。 朝食中にも宿のご夫婦はいろいろ話しかけてくれます。食事しながら英会話するのは少しハードですが、お話するのは楽しいものです。

  • 本当のイギリスへの旅


  • A stroll in Haworth

    (Continued from A trip to real England) Breakfast served at Heathfield Bed & Breakfast was really British-style, with a fried egg, fried potatoes, and mushrooms, a fried tomato cut in half, two slices of bacon and two sausages as well as cereals, slices of bread, a glass of orange juice and a cup of tea.…

  • A trip to real England

    Although it was a bit while ago, I made a private trip to the United Kingdom. It was not the British Hills, not an English village, not a British-style cottage in Tochigi Prefecture, not any other “fake Britain” in Japan. It was the real England, where I had wanted to visit before I died. I…

  • Another approach to health / 健康へのもうひとつのアプローチ

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 Ayurvedic medicine, or Ayurveda, is a system of traditional medicine with 3,000 years of history native to the Himalayan area. Even today it is regarded as part of alternative medicine in such countries as India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Especially in Sri Lanka, it is protected and encouraged as one of the national industries…

  • Brazilian town in Japan / 大泉ブラジリアンタウン

    Brazilian town in Japan / 大泉ブラジリアンタウン

    日本文はフォートラベルに転載しました。 I visited Oizumi, Gumma Prefecture. Large factories and plants were invited to set up in this town, and mainly Japanese Brazilians were attracted there as factory workers. According to statistics, almost 6,000 people out of this town’s population of about 41,000 are from abroad.

  • Paju English Village / パジュ英語村

    Paju English Village / パジュ英語村

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 Visiting England is one of the things I want to do in the future. I planned a trip there in the middle of September. I purchased air tickets to and from London and booked hotels there. To my sorrow, however, I was forced to cancel all of the reservations because of the hectic work…

  • British Hills in spring / ブリティッシュヒルズ再訪

    I visited British Hills first in this year because the snow melted and it became accessible by car.雪が解けて車で行けるようになったので、今年初のブリティッシュヒルズ訪問です。