Category: Gadgets ガジェット

  • I got Blackberry! / Blackberryをゲット

    My Blackberry

    The nearest DoCoMo Shop had informed me that a new Blackberry device (Blackberry 8707h) had arrived, so I got there this Monday and bought it. The handset costed 28,000 Yen. Very reasonable.

    Setup is very easy. I keep three of my email addresses (including Blackberry-specific one) in this handset. I can catch incoming mails and reply to them, wherever I am. The key strokes are very confortable. Even if you type long emails your thumbs won’t get tired.

    I’m not saying that I got completely accustomed to this gadget right now, but soon I will. This must soon become the item that I can’t do without, as many Americans may think.



    キータッチも絶妙な配置で、NOKIA E61に較べれば打ちやすさは極上。これなら長いメールでもいくらでも書けます。なるほど世のアメリカ人たちがCrackberryといわれるほどブラックベリーにのめりこむわけがわかってきたような気がします。


  • Blackberry to be released to Japanese individuals in August / Blackberryを日本でも個人向けに販売


    NTT DoCoMo, one of Japan’s major cell phone carriers, announced that in August this year it would sell Blackberry devices to public. NTT DoCoMo is the only carrier that has the right to distribute Blackberry in Japan.

    Although Blackberry is today an essential communications tool for those from businesspersons to general people in the world, Japan has been the only first-place country where no Blackberry services for individuals are currently available. The only exception is Blackberry Enterprise Service (BES) provided by NTT DoCoMo to corporations only, but BES is closed to private persons because NTT DoCoMo fears that Blackberry may affect the sales of I-mode, one of NTT DoCoMo’s core competences. There are no other mobile carriers that can offer Blackberry services, so Japanese people, except some lucky persons whose employer has BES for them, have no chance to enjoy communicating with the device.

    This announce means that NTT DoCoMo is opening the door to the world. The mobile services Japanese people are currently using have been closed within Japan. Most of them are cutting-edge, but are useless if you get outside this country. This opening of Blackberry will help Japanese people to get in touch with what people in the world are usually doing in their daily life.




  • NM705iをゲット


  • イー・モバイルが音声サービス開始





  • 【Softbank】X02NK/Nokia N95発表【春モデル】

    今日、ソフトバンクから春モデルとしてX02NK/Nokia N95の発表がありました。

  • Navigation / カーナビ買いました


    Last week I bought a portable navigation device (Garmin nüvi250) for my car because I had bonus this month and I did “holiday shopping” like an American. Although many cars in Japan have in-dash HDD car navigation systems costing over 300,000JPY with a receiver for Vehicle Information and Communication System (VICS), they were too expensive for me to afford. Nüvi250 has only a GPS receiver and power cables to be connected to a cigar socket or PC’s USB port, so it’s very cost-effective, costing only 38,500JPY! (about one tenth of the prices of traditional HDD car navi) More than that, it is not only sold within Japan but used worldwide, because Garmin is an American company. Nüvi250 is widely distributed in UK, European countries and the USA (in the USA, nüvi200 is sold instead of 250).

    This device is simple and does not provide traffic information to avoid jamming routes, but GPS reception accuracy is very good. It displays an accurate position of where you are driving, keeps track of your driving routes, and calculates routes to destination very fast. Road maps are very simple, and easy to see while driving. It is very useful for 38,500JPY navigation device, as long as you use it just as a navigator.

    As it is removable from your car, you can carry it with you anywhere, on the street or on the train, and you can install it to a rental car in a district far from your home town or even in a foreign country, just by plugging the power cable to its cigar socket. When you leave your car, you can put it off the car and in your pocket. There are no risks to be stolen.

    Navigation is navigation. No functions more than navigation are necessary. PNDs are the most reasonable navigation system of today and more and more devices will be released in a few years, because you have only to pay the reasonable prices for necessary and sufficient capabilities.


    シンプルなので、交通情報や渋滞情報を出してくれたりはしませんが、ナビとして使う限りでは、38,500円のものとしてはこれで十分です。GPSの捕捉精度も良く、位置を正確にとらえてくれますし、ルート計算もメチャ速! 地図もシンプルで見やすくなっています。


  • FOMA NM705i (Nokia 6120 classic) 来年2月発売予定


  • Nokia battery problem

    Recent TV news and newspapers are reporting that some of Nokia-branded BL-5C batteries, manufactured by Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd. of Japan, have the problems that they may experience over heating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge. Nokia has the page that will check if your BL-5C batteries are problematic or not by entering the identification number printed on them.
    I have six BL-5C batteries for my Nokia cellphones, such as Nokia6630, 7600, 6680, N71 and a GPS receiver. According to this web site, one battery out of the six was part of this product advisory. I ordered the replacement of it through the web site.

  • ノキアのバッテリー
