Category: Health and Medicine 健康と医療

  • The words of the year 2023 / 2023年のキーワード

    The words of the year 2023 / 2023年のキーワード


    It’s time to wrap up the words of this year. As I do every year at the end of the year, I’m looking back at what has happened to me and what I have encountered over the past year, and I’m listing them up in a few short words.

    The words of 2023 are flight simulationfitnessTOEIC, and voice recognition.

    Flight Simulation

    As I wrote in the past entry, I’ve enjoyed flight simulation since I bought a gaming PC with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 installed, a control yoke, thrust levers, and rudder pedals. I’ve continually downloaded and used terminal and en route charts and documents provided by the Federal Aviation Administration and Japanese aviation authorities. I flew a Cirrus SR22 in the early stages to learn the flying basics. Several months later, I changed the plane into a Beechcraft G58 Baron twin-engine airplane to develop advanced flying skills. These days, I fly Boeing 787 Dreamliner between airports, both in Japan and the United States. 


    As I turned 50 this year, I had more and more opportunities to feel testosterone deficiency. Reading that strength training was the best way to supplement it, I decided to join a fitness gym and begin training regularly. I had several fitness gym chains nearby to choose from. Out of those gym chains, I decided on Anytime Fitness and became a member since I was attracted to it having franchises worldwide. Members who have been members for over a month can enter and train at any Anytime-Fitness-branded gym worldwide. Since I joined, I have sometimes used several different Anytime Fitness gyms besides what I usually use, from a gym a little farther from the home-ground gym to that in my homecoming prefecture and that in Taipei.

    Of course, training once or twice a week for about six months is far from the muscular body of a bodybuilder, but it seems to be compelling enough that my shoulders, arms, chest, and thighs look a little tighter, and I no longer find it hard to climb stairs. 

    However, I have been overeating after workouts and have gained weight, and my body fat rate has gotten much worse, so it seems that a different approach is needed to improve these things.


    The TOEIC stands for the Test Of English for International Communication and is one of the standardized English tests administered by the Educational Testing Service, a New Jersey-based non-profit organization, to measure English proficiency, mainly in business situations. The TOEIC L&R test is a listening and reading test on paper and one of the most well-known English tests, particularly for Japanese and Korean businesspeople, as an indicator of English proficiency for better or worse. It measures test takers’ performance in listening and reading sections. Their performance in each section is shown as scores ranging from 5 to 495 points, and total scores range from 10 to 990 points. The higher the scores they take, the better their English ability. If you have 900 points or more, at least traditional Japanese companies like the one where I currently work would evaluate you as a high English performer.

    My highest score so far is 915 points, which I earned in 2017, but the score is so old that I need more recent scores. I took the test several times in the last two years, all with scores hovering around 830 to 895 points, except the 900 points I got this October. The reason why I can’t take 900 points or more so often is apparent. It is because of my lack of listening ability. It would be imperative to make my lifestyle more “English-oriented” to get more used to English.

    Voice Recognition

    I joined a new service development team for AI-based voice recognition services in July of this year. I never knew the team members before joining the team, but the job in this team is a new and exciting challenge. 

    2023 is the year when the COVID pandemic ended, authorities lifted many restrictions and mandates, and people regained more freedom to participate in activities nationwide and overseas. Although unrest is still underway in several places worldwide, I hope people will be happier with many good things next year. 















    The words of each year are summarized in this table.

    YearWords キーワード
    2023flight simulation; fitness; TOEIC; voice recognition
    2022web3; Ford Focus; gout; pilotage
    2021Google Maps; Yurie Omi’s resignation; Tokyo Games; death games
    2020Synapusyu; the handgun; computer programming
    2019Hokkaido; Mercari; Grand Cherokee
    2018cashless; Japanese language; comeback
    2017Yurie Omi; NHK; shingles; English exams
    2016traveling to places in Japan; mapping; Jeep
    2015Maine, United States; Estonia; transfer of workplace
    2014England; Android
    2013Ayurveda; Korea; high school alumni; Tsuyoshi Takashiro
    2012Oji; the mahjong; the flight attendant; Facebook
    2011the car; the British culture; China
    2010Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia; iPhone; the credit card
    2009office position change; MacBook Pro; JR Seishun 18 Ticket
    職場異動、MacBook Pro購入、青春18きっぷ
    2008England; Fukagawa
    2007changing my car; visiting Hawaii
    2006the US stock; the mutual fund
    2005darts; the GSM and WCDMA mobile phone; visiting Hong Kong again
    2004the blog; Asian countries (Singapore and Hong Kong); the GSM mobile phone
    2003the airplane; the musical
    2001getting a flat within the Tokyo metropolitan area; a position change at the office; Soarer
  • Changes of the world from COVID-19 / アフターコロナでどう変わる?

    Changes of the world from COVID-19 / アフターコロナでどう変わる?


    COVID-19 is dreadfully spreading throughout the world, hospitalizing more than 3,100,000 people and taking the lives of more than 200,000 patients as of April 29, according to Johns Hopkins University. It is no exceptions here in Tokyo.

    The virus is forcing all people in the world to change their lifestyles. Many have been grounded for months. Essential workers, such as doctors, healthcare workers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, supermarket clerks, garbage collectors, delivery servicepersons, and staff involved in public transportation, work outside facing the fear of infection.

    I’ve been staying at my house in Tokyo for almost two months. Although the confirmed cases and the death toll in Japan are lower than those in the United States, there are hundreds of cases tested positive and dozens of casualties every day. People are requested to refrain from non-essential journeys and maintain proper social distancing like the US and other countries to avoid causing overshooting of patients. These days I work from home, watch TV, surf the internet, read e-books, have meals delivered at the door, eat them, and sleep in the bed.

    Nobody knows when this inconvenience ends. Some say that it will take 18 months for everything to get back to normal. Others say that it will never return to what it was before the outbreak. Since public health specialists say that the situation in Tokyo is three weeks behind that in New York City, the Metropolitan Government will probably lift the de facto lockdown no sooner than three weeks after NYC. As of today, no countries reopened business yet.

    I’m at home all day long, unless I buy foods at the grocery store or wash my laundry at the laundromat. I have much more time to think about what the world will become in forthcoming years. Here’s what I think the world will change:

  • Another approach to health / 健康へのもうひとつのアプローチ


    Ayurvedic medicine, or Ayurveda, is a system of traditional medicine with 3,000 years of history native to the Himalayan area. Even today it is regarded as part of alternative medicine in such countries as India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Especially in Sri Lanka, it is protected and encouraged as one of the national industries by the Department of Ayurveda, the world’s only administrative ministry related to it.

    There is a Sri-Lankan-style Ayurvedic clinic in Japan, which I’ve visited monthly for almost half a year. Sunil Nishimura, a Sri Lankan Ayurvedic practitioner, has been running this clinic since 1996 in Kawagoe, Saitama. He first came to Japan in 1994, and soon after that, he became ill because of his stressful life in Japan. He asked his family to send him Ayurvedic herbs. He took them imported from his home country and changed his eating habits into Sri Lankan ones. Then he recovered his health soon after he changed his life. That was why he opened a clinic based on Ayurveda for Japanese people who suffered from diseases of civilisation.

  • 新型インフルであれだけ騒いだわけですが……


  • 新型インフル日本上陸




  • Swine flu outbreak begins in Japan

    Today it was announced that three high school students in Kobe, who had never been abroad before, had been suffered from swine flu. Although some people who came back from Canada were found H1N1 positive before, they were hospitalized before they got into the mainland so the virus wasn’t spread. However, today’s event prove that the virus had spread all over this country.
    I feel anxious about my friends, my parents, my brother, my sister and their families because most of them live within or near Kobe and they are very close to the outbreak area.
    This has taught us the important lesson that, wherever you are, there’s no safe place. It’s wrong to blame those who are going abroad, because, in Japan or in another country, you have the same possibility to have the flu.
    Anyway, all that I can do would be to prepare for its national outbreak. I already got a personal protection pack from American Red Cross shop to have hand sanitizer, face masks and other prevention items. The next thing I want to do for flu prevention is … to take a leave for a few weeks to drink beer in my house 😉

  • Health

    This year I can’t help concerning about the importance of health, because I’ve felt unwell since the beginning of this year when I caught a cold. I’ve had coughing for almost two months and it isn’t cured completely even at this time. I used lavender oil to make my body immunity stronger but it didn’t work well. I had not so much spirit to update my blog so I kept it unchanged for many months. In the beginning of April I had to cancel to go to cherry festivals at Camp Zama and Yokosuka Naval Base because of fever I had.

    Thank God I feel better these days. I’ll visit Negishi Heights for its gate-open tomorrow.

  • Drive virus away with lavender essential oil / ラベンダーオイルで風邪を撃退

    Drive virus away with lavender essential oil / ラベンダーオイルで風邪を撃退


    Many people around me are suffered from cold in this season. As many people know well, cold is caused by being infected by viruses. In the crowded area like Tokyo, you can easily catch viruses on the crowded commuter trains. It is inevitable to take virus if you go out on a normal basis. For this, to avoid catching cold you must be immune to viruses, because (unlike germs that can be killed by antibiotics) no medicine but your white blood cells can kill viruses.

    There are several options to keep your body’s immunity. Taking nutritious foods will help to keep you immune. Sleeping well will also be nice. Avoiding much stress, much alcohol or anything impairing your immunity is also important for keep you healthy. Besides, aromatherapic means can work well.

    I read books saying that lavender essential oil was good for strengthen your body’s immunity against harmful viruses or germs and English people used it on a daily basis to prevent cold. I imported Tisserand’s 20ml lavender oil from England for about £10, because the books said that Tisserand provided good essential oils.






    Tisserandのラベンダーオイルはで販売してるんですが、どういうわけか日本には発送してくれないので、OneNilTrade Limited(というところから取り寄せました。




  • 池袋飛び降り

