I’ve got a certificate that I’ve passed the ITILv3 Foundation I had taken last December!
この前受けた英語版ITILv3 Foundationが受かってました!
Category: NTT
Presentation by Ryuji Yamada / NTT DoCoMo山田社長の講演
Last night I attended a meeting for alumni of Osaka University, where I graduated, to see the presentation by Ryuji Yamada, President and CEO of NTT DoCoMo, one of Japan’s mobile phone operators. Mr. Yamada is also a graduate from Osaka University and was invited to this meeting as a guest speaker.
He talked to us about NTT DoCoMo’s current circumstances, innovation plans and future strategies. He said in advance that the revenue from voice communications was decreasing year by year and so far the loss was not completely compensated yet by the revenue from packet communications, so innovations in packet communication was important. He also added that one of the important things right now was to change policies so as to meet the current situation where mobile communication market in Japan was reaching its full maturity. He said that he had launched the “All-DoCoMo Reform Plans”, where more than 3000 current problems had been collected from every workplace, ranging from R&D divisions to local shops, and the problems had been dealt with 25 project teams for discussion and improvement. Some of the problems were solved by the plans. One of the solutions is a special assurance plan to dispatch an on-site consultant engineer to the customer who complained of dissatisfied signal reception at home, within 48 hours from the time of this customer’s complaint call.
The most impressive point of his presentation was that mobile devices will be tools for personal activity assistance. Since the first era of them, YOU have done something with them, from voice communications to internet access and electronic wallets. In the future, THEY will do something for you. They will proactively help you do something. One of such solutions already in service is the “i-Concier”, where text messages such as traffic information, weather information, and local event information, are automatically displayed on mobile phone’s screen, according to date, time and phone’s location obtained from antennas communicating with the phone.
Media for information distribution is, according to his speech, shifting from text-based message to motion videos. He said that, as smart phones was being more and more popular, video would be the key media used for not only entertainment but tourist information, online shopping, navigation, security and medical assistance.
For such advanced services by smart phones, high network performance is necessary. Mr. Yamada declared that in December 2010 NTT DoCoMo would launch Long Term Evolution, or LTE, a 3.9-generation mobile telephony service, starting with that for the 2GHz band and to extend to that for the 1.5GHz band, and would offer 3G/LTE-dual handsets next year. With LTE terminals, radiowaves can be used approximately 9 times more efficient than current 3G terminals. That is, you can enjoy 9 times smarter services than today’s phones.
To prevent NTT DoCoMo’s LTE system from making the Galapagos ecosystem, he emphasized that NTT DoCoMo also did international activities more energetically than ever. It founded research and development facilities in Beijing, Europe and the United States, for contribution to standardisation and normalisation in the projects of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project, or 3GPP. At the same time, it’s investing developing countries’ operators like TTSL and TTML in India, in order to help do business with it.
It’s greatly welcomed that mobile services will evolve to be more advanced and attractive for users. My hope is, as written in the last entry, to accept any terminal I want to use, as long as it meets the basic standards.
携帯業界の大御所の方も、居並ぶOBを前にしてはすっかり「大阪のおっちゃん」の語り口。まあ魅力的なサービスがどんどん増えてくれるのは利用者としてはありがたい限りですが、前にも書いたように規格に適合している限り使いたい端末は何でも使えるようにしてもらいたいものです。 -
ドコモの今年の冬モデルとして、ソフトバンクと同じく、Nokia E71が出るとのこと。こちらも「NMなんとか」ではなく、ただのNokia E71として出るようです。
まあ見た目がBlackberry Boldとよく似ているので、私が買い換えるとしたらこちらではなくBlackberry Boldのほうになるでしょうね。Blackberry Boldと、ソフトバンクから出るN82との2台持ちになりそうかな。
Blackberry to be released to Japanese individuals in August / Blackberryを日本でも個人向けに販売
NTT DoCoMo, one of Japan’s major cell phone carriers, announced that in August this year it would sell Blackberry devices to public. NTT DoCoMo is the only carrier that has the right to distribute Blackberry in Japan.
Although Blackberry is today an essential communications tool for those from businesspersons to general people in the world, Japan has been the only first-place country where no Blackberry services for individuals are currently available. The only exception is Blackberry Enterprise Service (BES) provided by NTT DoCoMo to corporations only, but BES is closed to private persons because NTT DoCoMo fears that Blackberry may affect the sales of I-mode, one of NTT DoCoMo’s core competences. There are no other mobile carriers that can offer Blackberry services, so Japanese people, except some lucky persons whose employer has BES for them, have no chance to enjoy communicating with the device.
This announce means that NTT DoCoMo is opening the door to the world. The mobile services Japanese people are currently using have been closed within Japan. Most of them are cutting-edge, but are useless if you get outside this country. This opening of Blackberry will help Japanese people to get in touch with what people in the world are usually doing in their daily life.
Looking back myself / 自分自身を振り返る
I attended a two-day “career management seminar” that the company I was working for hosted for the employees who had started their career a decade ago. An instructor who had been sent from Japan Management Association guided us to look back what we had done for the ten years, to recognize what our current strengths and weaknesses were, and to design what we should do in the future.
Through the sessions I found out that my characteristics I had thought of was a little different from that the people around me had done. I thought I was completely lacking communication ability to keep in tough with others, but my boss and my colleagues working with me do not think so. At the same time, they think less highly of my schedule management ability. It was what I did not expect, but they hit the mark.
Anyway, it was very meaningful that I could find out what I currently am, and I’m very thankful to the company that gave me the chance to help me think of my future career and to talk with friends I didn’t see for many years!
今日、連合の帰宅困難者訓練とやらで、日比谷公園から西東京市の東伏見まで歩いてきました。震災やその他の災害で交通機関が使えなくなったときに帰宅する方法を訓練するというものです。500人以上が日比谷公園を10時に出て、内堀通り・新宿通り・青梅街道を使って西東京まで約20kmを昼食休憩含めて4時間半以上かけて歩き通しました。 普段車や電車ばっかりでほとんど歩かない私としては、何時間も歩き続けるというのは非常にこたえましたが、まあ楽しかったんじゃないでしょうか。クルマでは見落とすものもいっぱい見ることができましたし、それに20km歩けるほど私がまだ若いということですから! Flickrにこの模様の写真をアップしておきました。
おまけ: ゴール近所の東伏見稲荷神社と千本鳥居(もどき)。
Walking Tokyo
Today I moved from Hibiya Park to Higashi Fushimi, Nishitokyo, just on foot. I took part in the program Japanese Trade Union Confederation had hosted for training workers who worked in the center of Tokyo to know how to return home if no public transportations became available due to an earthquake or other disasters. More than 500 people including me started walking from Hibiya Park at 10 am this morning for Nishitokyo. We walked about 20 kilometers on Uchiboridori, Shinjuku-dori and Ome-kaido streets for more than 4½ hours including lunch break.
It was very tough for me to walk on the street for many hours because I usually drive a car or take a train to move somewhere instead of walking, but this event was very exciting because I could see many things that I missed while driving by car, and because it was proven that I was still young enough to be able to walk 20 kilometers!
I uploaded some pictures of this event on Flickr.
See also: Higashi Fushimi Inari Shrine located near the finish point, with sembon torii (thousand torii) like Fushimi Inari in Kyoto.