Category: American Lifestyle 米国ライフスタイル

  • Central Pacific Bank’s aggravation / セントラル・パシフィック・バンクの改悪

    Central Pacific Bank’s aggravation / セントラル・パシフィック・バンクの改悪

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 In the mailbox beneath my apartment room, I found a letter from Central Pacific Bank, a Hawaiian bank I’ve kept my account for almost 15 years, saying that it had changed the policy for customers with Non-Resident Alien (NRA). According to the new policy effective April 1 this year, the bank will deduct $20…

  • Revolution with Revolut / Revolutでレボリューション

    Revolution with Revolut / Revolutでレボリューション

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 I live in Japan. I have bank accounts in Japan to get a monthly income and make regular payments. Besides, I have bank accounts in the United States and Hong Kong to put some of my money into different banks in different places with different currencies to minimize the risk. I manage my assets…

  • Prelude to WWIII / 第三次世界大戦の序章

    Prelude to WWIII / 第三次世界大戦の序章

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 The second year of the Reiwa period began with a nightmare. More precisely, at the beginning of the year, nobody could predict what would be going on just two months later. I am talking about what the entire world is fighting against—COVID-19. The coronavirus outbreak has been an urgent global issue. It was just…

  • Visiting United States military bases in Japan

    Visiting United States military bases in Japan

    Visiting US military bases is fun for me. The US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and US Marine Corps use 75 facilities within Japan and Okinawa, 51 of which are dedicated and the rest 24 shared with Japan Self Defense Force. Though those facilities are usually closed to civilians, they are open to residents…

  • Visiting Maine / 回転木馬とロブスター

    Visiting Maine / 回転木馬とロブスター

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 I think it’s too late to write this entry, but I visited Portland and Boothbay Harbor, Maine in this September. I watched a musical play Carousel at Kokugakuin Tochigi High School performed by its musical club a few weeks before. Carousel is a musical that features a love story of a young girl and a barker in…

  • Taco Bell in Japan / タコベルがとうとう日本に!

    Taco Bell in Japan / タコベルがとうとう日本に!

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 Today I went to Taco Bell at Shibuya, which had opened last Tuesday as Japan’s first Taco Bell store and hundreds of people had waited in the queue for more than two hours in front of the store on the first day only. Today there was a long queue, too. A staff member standing…

  • National Azabu Supermarket closed / ナショナル麻布スーパーマーケット閉店

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 National Azabu Supermarket at Hiroo, where foods, groceries, books, toiletries and stationery imported from abroad were available, terminated operation as of today due to the age of its building. The Hiroo neighbourhood is one of the places I visited very frequently because the training centre of the company I worked for was in that…

  • My current views in English / 英語について

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 We Japanese know that English is the world’s de facto standard language everyone in the world needs to learn to communicate with each other in this fast-globalising society. Mastering English is, nevertheless, one of the greatest hardships for most of Japanese who were born in Japan and raised by Japanese parents within Japan. They…

  • Oklahoma! / オクラホマ!

    日本文が後ろに続きます。 This year I saw Oklahoma! at Kokugakuin Tochigi University High School. Every year I go to the cultural festival of this high school to see a play performed by the Musical Club. This club consists of tenth and twelfth graders of this high school, playing musical on an after-school basis. They have regular performances…