Taco Bell in Japan / タコベルがとうとう日本に!


Today I went to Taco Bell at Shibuya, which had opened last Tuesday as Japan’s first Taco Bell store and hundreds of people had waited in the queue for more than two hours in front of the store on the first day only. Today there was a long queue, too. A staff member standing at the end of the queue said that I had to wait up to two hours to be served from there. It was a bit tough for me to wait such a long time, but it couldn’t be helped to do it to enjoy the American taste I’d ever had in New York where I had travelled for a business trip.


Entrance of Taco Bell Japan
Basement of Taco Bell Japan.

In fact, I didn’t have to wait for such a long time. I just waited as long as an hour from the end of the queue to the cashier of the store where the staff was working in a nimble manner. My order was rapidly completed, and, what was better, a credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) was available for payment.


2 Tacos Supreme Combo

I ordered the 2 Tacos Supreme Combo. It didn’t have as much volume as that served in a store in NY, but it was similar to a normal tacos menu which may be sold at a food court in a local shopping mall. Many seats inside were empty though full of people were waiting in front of the store.

I don’t know if I’ll come there once more, but I’m sure it’s good that more and more stores like this will spread throughout this country as people might have more options for Mexican foods.




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