Category: Yuki’s Diary 日記

  • 門戸厄神

    2013-01-01 11.21.02.jpg

  • Happy New Year 2013 / 2013年明けましておめでとうございます

    God bless our nation, our Imperial Family and our people.




  • Words of the year 2012 / 2012年のキーワード


    On the last day of every year, I make it a rule to list up such words that represent what I was absorbed in or experienced for the first time in that year. Those keywords remind me of what I did at that time.

    The words of the year 2001 are getting a flat within the Tokyo metropolitan area, a position change at the office, and Soarer. The words of 2002 is America. That of 2003 are the airplane and the musical. Words of 2004 are the blog, Asian countries (Singapore and Hong Kong), and the GSM mobile phone.
    The words of the year 2005: darts, the GSM and WCDMA mobile phone, and visiting Hong Kong again.
    The words of the year 2006: the US stock and the mutual fund.
    The words of the year 2007: changing my car and visiting Hawaii.
    The words of the year 2008: England and Fukagawa.
    The words of the year 2009: office position change, MacBook Pro and JR Seishun 18 Ticket.
    The words of the year 2010: Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia; iPhone; and the credit card.
    The words of the year 2011: the car, the British culture and China.
    In the same manner, the words of the year 2012 would be Oji, the mahjong, the flight attendant and Facebook.

    The first word, Oji, is derived from the place I moved my flat to in July this year. It is a beautiful place and sometimes called “Richmond in Japan.” I enjoy it very much.

    The mahjong is what I’m learning to play this year because my close colleagues do. In fact, I have ever played it in the video game for 25 years, but I didn’t play it with people around the table until this year. I can’t play it very well right now but I enjoy it.

    Flight attendants, though I’ve got some online friends who are cabin crew for over ten years, are what I met as friends for the first time in real life this year. In some Asian countries including Japan, the flight attendant is considered as more attractive than the women working in the other workplaces. That’s why it was a very valuable experience to talk with such kind of ladies. (Remember I love flight attendants. Please read this entry as well!)

    Facebook is the social networking service where I’ve kept in touch with my friends, offline or online, since my subscription in 2008. This year I was there in Facebook on a daily basis, posting a status, looking around my friend’s messages and giving a comment to them.

    May next year be also a year when I’ll encounter many new things I’ve never experienced and many new people I’ve never met.


    2009年のキーワードは職場異動MacBook Pro青春18きっぷ







    Rewritten 13 Jan 2013 2013/1/13編集

    I’ve added “Facebook” as a word of the year 2012.

  • Hong Kong and Macau / 香港・マカオ旅行


    I forgot to say that I had a trip to Hong Kong this year as well. I departed Japan on 23 November and returned on 26. What I did there is:

    • I had an investment account opened at HSBC to buy a unit trust.
    • I extended my journey as far as Macau, where I couldn’t do so many things, though.
    • I wanted to get iPhone5 if I had much money, but I didn’t.

    I uploaded a set of photos on Flickr.


    • HSBCの投資口座を開いてきました。これで投資信託や株が買えます。
    • マカオまで足を延ばしてきました。たいしたことできませんでしたが。
    • iPhone5を買えればと思ったんですが買えませんでした。


  • Owning VW Polo GTi / VW Polo GTi買いました

    Owning VW Polo GTi / VW Polo GTi買いました


    I’ve bought a new car. I wanted to drive a German car before I died, so I sold my Peugeot 307 I had bought two years before and got a 2007 Volkswagen Polo GTi. In fact, when I got the Peugeot 307 I wanted to have Audi A4 or VW Golf or Polo, to be honest, but my budget at that time forced me to have the French car by compromise. Peugeot 307 was a nice car, though.

    It has a manual gearbox. Probably it would be the last for me to own a manual-transmission car and even the last petrol car I can have because carmakers will sell more and more electric or hybrid cars in the future and such cars would have a continuously variable transmission or a dual-clutch transmission rather than a legacy manual gearbox.

    I drive it weekly to get used to its manoeuvres. There are some differences from the Peugeot. At first, a clutch biting point is much lower. As soon as I gently lift my leg with the clutch, it starts to bite. Another difference is that its engine rarely stalls when you lift off the clutch pedal completely in the first gear even with the handbrake on. When you drive on the street, it dashes out very fast by gently stepping on the accelerator. If you give it full throttle, your licence would be at risk.

    The clutch, brake, and gas pedals of the Peugeot were too shifted to the left, but it doesn’t go with the Polo. I have enough foot restraint space beside the clutch pedal.

    A reverse gear position is different from the Peugeot or other major cars. You press down the gear stick, move it to the left with it pressed down, and then push it forward to put it in the reverse gear. It’s a similar manoeuvre to the first gear, but you should press down the stick before moving it to left and forward for the reverse gear so that you won’t make a mistake.

    I don’t know how many years I can drive it, but I’m gonna have fun with it.








  • 久々のブログ更新





    Oji shrine Oji shrine Oji shrine
    Nanushi-no-taki park Asukayama Park

  • I’m back!

    Apologies for not updating my blog since I did on the first day of this year. I’m usually on Facebook these days.

    One of what I did this year is that I moved out of my house at Fukagawa. The rental contract was expiring at the end of July, and I had to choose whether I renewed it to keep living there or terminated it and found a new house. I decided to move to another place. I lived there for four years and was satisfied with life there, but at the same time, I thought I should change my life to change myself.

    I found a new house at Oji, about 10km north of Tokyo’s city centre. This neighbourhood is a beautiful area developed in the 14th century, with its fresh verdure and sometimes called “Richmond in Japan” because people in central Tokyo often have made a one-day trip to this area since the Edo Era, similar to holiday-makers in London who visit Richmond.

    I, together with my car, removed to the new house in the middle of July. Monthly fees for the house and the garage dropped comparing with the ones at Fukagawa, which was closer to the city centre. It’s more than three months since the removal, and the new life here is very nice.

    Oji shrine Oji shrine Oji shrine
    Nanushi-no-taki park Asukayama Park

  • Annus mirabilis

    Let’s say good-bye to the miserable past, and welcome the new year of wonder. May this year be a more magical, more wonderful, more marvellous, more fabulous, more beautiful, and more glorious one. I sincerely hope all the people in this country live in peace and stability.


  • Annus miserabilis

    Gate 68 NH413 to Kobe
    View of the City of Kobe from UKB airport


    The year 2011 would be “annus miserabilis” (a miserable year) for Japan. This year will go down as one of the most appalling in Japan’s history, due to the dreadful first-in-1,000-years earthquake and tsunami and the consecutive nuclear plant damage in Fukushima on 11 March.

    On the day when the earthquake struck our land, I was working at the office as usual in Tokyo. At the very time when the quake occurred, I was walking on the stairway, and I saw everything beginning to swing. At first, I thought it was because I had a dizzy spell due to my high blood pressures, but soon I found out it was the land that was swaying because I saw a string suspended from the ceiling do so together with any other things. Then the amplitude of the tremor grew larger and larger. It reminded me of the Hanshin Awaji earthquake I had experienced in 1995 when living in Nishinomiya. I felt the quake lasted for one or two minutes, but I couldn’t do anything but let the matter take its own course.

    After it ceased, I entered the office room, where everybody was shocked. Some escaped under the desk, and some stood still holding the books on the shelf so that they wouldn’t fall. Tellys in the office was turned on. Every TV station was broadcasting the breaking news on the earthquake. The government announced tsunami alerts nationwide, but I didn’t think that a tsunami would suffer so much even if it would come, because a similar situation was just one year before when an earthquake happened in Chile followed by a tsunami, which came to the Sanriku area but didn’t hurt it at all.

    However, about an hour later, I saw on the TV screen the seawater overflow over the banks and coastal roads into the rice fields, washing up cars, buildings, and everything that was right there. I felt like watching an action film, as the scene was too far from reality.

    On that day, I had to stay in the office until midnight, because the Tokyo area was suffered a great deal as well and there were no trains and public transportations available, and some networks in the Tohoku area were damaged, and we had to fix it. At midnight trains started moving again, but they were very crowded with millions of people rushing home, so I returned home on foot. It took about an hour to get back home.

    After the disasters, most roads were full of thousands of unmovable cars in the first two days. After the roads were clear, petrol was running short. Many cars had to queue up in front of petrol stations to had them filled up. Thank god my car’s fuel tank was almost full because I had filled it up one week before.

    I was not so troubled with my everyday life after the disasters. Bath tissues were running short, but I had bought 30 rolls of them at Costco one week before, so they were quite enough for a single household. The pet bottles of drinking water disappeared at convenience stores and supermarkets due to the likelihood of tap water contaminated by radioactive materials. However, the pet bottles of tea and soda were still on sale. My inconvenience was negligible, compared with the survivors who were forced to stay in evacuation facilities.

    In the first few weeks after the disasters, people all over Japan were united. They considered the disasters as a national issue, not a Tohoku-specific local one, unlike the Hanshin-Awaji case. They all cared for the survivors in the suffered area and did their best to try to save them by donations and volunteer activities. Their mind was beautiful, one of the Japanese virtues to take pride in.

    On the last day of this year, the time has come to recall what I did and experienced this year. Though this event is unforgettable, my end-of-year review will focus on more positive aspects.

    The keywords of the year 2011 are: a car, British culture and China.
    A car is what I purchased in January. Having my own car was the first in three years. Driving a car with a manual gearbox was the first in 17 years. I reviewed how to drive on educational videos posted on YouTube to get used to manoeuvres early.

    British culture is what I experienced deeply this year as well as in the last four years. This year I was able to enjoy the British Hills in Fukushima I desired to visit for ages.

    The last one, China, is that I visited Shanghai in January for business and Hong Kong in November for personal purposes. It was the first time to visit mainland China and the first in six years to Hong Kong. Actually, I wanted to visit Beijing in March, but I gave it up because of the disasters.

    The year 2011 is really “annus miserabilis” for many people and me in Japan, but I hope the next year be “annus mirabilis” (miracle year).

    2011年は「annus miserabilis」(悲惨な年)でした。日本の歴史上、最も悪い年として人々の記憶に残ることでしょう。もちろん、311の地震・津波・それに引き続いて起こった福島原発事故のせいです。













    2011年は私にとっても日本中にとっても本当に「annus miserabilis」だったんですが、次の年は「annus mirabilis」(驚異の年)になってほしいものです。