家の近所に青空駐車場発見! 今の機械駐車場は地下に車を入れるシステムなので毎回乗り出すたびに上に揚げて車を出してまた台車を下ろすという作業がめんどくさいし、その上今度の青空駐車場のほうが安い!ということで契約しちゃいました。
家の近所に青空駐車場発見! 今の機械駐車場は地下に車を入れるシステムなので毎回乗り出すたびに上に揚げて車を出してまた台車を下ろすという作業がめんどくさいし、その上今度の青空駐車場のほうが安い!ということで契約しちゃいました。
I found an open-air car park near my flat and signed a contract for it at the real estate agency. I use a lift parking within my flat so far, but my car is supposed to be stowed underground, so it’s too much trouble to lift my car to the ground, bring my car out of the gondola and lift it down again every time I drive out. Besides, the monthly fee for the new garage is lower than the annoying automated garage!
As the contract took effect on 1 March, I moved my car to the new garage. Now I can open the bonnet to check the engine oil level and brake fluid level before driving. I couldn’t do it at the old automated garage.
I got acquainted with Mrinalini Ghosh at Badoo. She is an English teacher from India, living near the Shinjuku area. She invited me to the Korean Embassy of Japan where there was a small exhibition of Korean lunar new year celebrations.
Mrinalini is on the right, and on the left is a girl in chima jeogori (Korean traditional dress).
This is dduk gook (rice cake soup), eaten in Korea in the new year season.
Today falls on setsubun. On this day, we grill sardines, which means to drive out devils by their smoke. We eat an eho-maki roll as well. It has been our custom since the old days, biting into a big sushi roll looking at the annual lucky direction without speaking any words until the finish. Besides, we eat parched soybeans. We eat one more bean than our age counting in the old Japanese way according to our hometown’s rule.
I got iPhone5. I kept Sony’s Xperia Android phone, but the iPhone is easier for me to use, with a wider variety of accessories sold all over the world than Sony.
I haven’t got any Softbank’s nano-SIM card, so I went to the nearest DoCoMo shop to get a DoCoMo nano-SIM card for it, but they didn’t have any. I visited some other DoCoMo shops to ask for one, but none of them had it. Without a nano-SIM card, it couldn’t be activated, and it was just a small plate.
A DoCoMo shop in Tochigi-shi thankfully said they had a nano-SIM card for iPhone5, although most DoCoMo shops in Tokyo said they didn’t have any. When I drove to the shop, there were dozens of people waiting in the queue. A shop clerk said I should wait for one hour and a half to be served, but I actually waited 30 mins or so before being served. I managed to get one, put it into my iPhone I had bought before and had it successfully activated.
近所のドコモショップに行ってnano SIMカードを発行してもらおうとしたものの、入荷待ちとのこと。他のドコモショップに言っても在庫なし。これがないとアクティベーションができないので、さしものiPhone5も単なる板。。。。
都内のドコモショップはほぼ全滅でしたが、栃木市のドコモショップがnano SIMカードの扱いがあるとのこと。栃木までクルマを駆って行くと、すごい待ち時間。1時間半かかると言われましたが、実際には30分ほどで自分の番が来ました。なんとか入手し、iPhone5に入れて、無事にアクティベーションできました。