Category: Yuki’s Diary 日記

  • 「夜伽草紙」データをマージ


  • 世代交代









  • ARPA

    Yesterday evening I went to see the concert of Masako Masunaga in Higashi Nakano. Masako Masunaga has been working for Osaka University as an assistant of the laboratory where I studied, and is now one of Japan’s famous arpa players. She already released one CD in 2003, and is going to release the second CD in October this year.
    I did neither know what arpa was nor that she had become so famous as an arpista until a colleague of the laboratory let me know about her tour. All I knew about arpa was the ARPANET, the Advanced Research Projects Agency network.
    For those of you who don’t know about it, an arpa is a 37-string harp-like plucking musical instrument derived from Spain and Latin American countries like Mexico, Paraguay, Guatemala and Venezuela. It is lighter and a bit smaller than a classical harp, and is very popular among the people in those countries.
    On the stage in Higashi Nakano, she played it very cheerfully and sometimes gracefully for about two hours counting the inclusion of a 15-minute break in the middle. She said that she was playing the arpa for cheering up the people who were struggling against their own stressful life.
    Asking how she came across an arpa, she answered that she had "happened to" listen to music played by an arpa when she had been invited to a famous arpista‘s house and, being attracted to it, she had asked her to teach how to play the arpa the next day.
    "It was a great chance for me to change my life," she added. Indeed, her life became more glorious than ever by an arpa.
    Everybody has a chance to find the way of success. The point is that you should never give up trying to search for it.

  • 那覇探訪4~その他~







  • 那覇探訪3~沖縄グルメ~

    Goat flesh sashimi and goya champuru




  • 那覇探訪2~国際通り・牧志公設市場~



  • 那覇探訪1~はるかなる琉球~






  • Welcome back

    My own Toyota Soarer 3.0GT was hit on the bumper by another car and was sent for repair three weeks ago, so I couldn’t drive anywhere while it was under repair. The car dealer where I had my car’s bumper mended called me up to tell me that it was fixed, and today I went the dealer to meet the car gettng well. That I find that being able to do something usual is very important, was not until I failed to do it.

  • Write what you hear

    Before watching the musical show Sunday afternoon at Kokugakuin Tochigi High School, I visited a classroom where the English Club had a demonstration in the cultural festival.
    When I entered the classroom, a schoolgirl belonging to this club and a directing teacher welcomed me. They encouraged me to try to have the “dictation quiz,” where you listened to several short English sentences a native English speaker spoke over the audio cassette recorder and you wrote the actual words of the sentences. Its difficulty ranged from Level 1 to Level 6. Level 1 was the easiest and Level 6 the most advanced. Of course I chose Level 6 because I was proud of my 20 years of English experience.
    I was guided to a desk, asked to be seated on the chair, and handed an answer sheet. Then the schoolgirl pressed the play button of the casette recorder. The cassette recorder spoke 13 short sentences like “This engine is powerful.” and “Wealthy people like to travel by ship.” These sentences was repeated twice, and I had to handwrite what I heard over the cassette recorder.
    When the quiz was over, the answer sheet was collected by the teacher. He immediately checked my answers and summed up how many sentences were correctly dictated. He told me that I could write 11 out of 13 sentences accurately.
    I found that to write accurately what to hear in English was not easier than that I thought. It is almost impossible to accurately hear very short words like prepositions, so it’s important for dictation that you “predict” those words with all of your knowledge on English. If you can predict missing words and write entire sentences with what you hear, it proves that you can comprehend the sentences.