Category: British Lifestyle 英国ライフスタイル

  • Happy Halloween!

    I hope (foreign) people don’t make a racket too much on the Yamanote Line trains….

  • 傘買いました

    12062008.jpg今まで1000円ぐらいの安物の傘やビニール傘を持ってたんですが、ちょっと強い風が吹くとすぐに壊れて使用不能になってしまったりしたので、そろそろマトモな傘を買おうかな……と思って、どうせなら英国ブランドの、それも有名なFOX社の傘を買ってみようと。ただ日本のデパートで買うと高かったり、ライセンス生産(=日本製)だったりするので、ちゃんとしたmade in Englandのやつをネットでメーカー直販してるのを注文しました。

  • メイドにはまる







  • Emma

    Emma.jpgThese days I’m stuck with reading Emma, which isn’t Jane Austin’s novel but a comic by Japanese manga artist, Kaoru Mori. It’s a love story of a gentleman of the gentry class and a maid servant of a lower birth in England in the Victorian era.

    Emma, born in a poor seaside Yorkshire village and working at a house of a retired governess in London as a maid, is a girl who is a little bit shy and reserved but clever and hard-working. One day she met William Jones, the eldest son of the “House of Jones”, a very wealthy merchant middle class family that is attempting to rise into the gentry, and then they fall in love with each other. The two meet many obstacles in their love because the marriage of persons of different classes was not allowed in England of that era, but they try to overcome it.

    This manga is not just a story for “maid-moé” readers in Akihabara. It’s a love story of the people of the Victorian age, under detailed historical investigation by Kaoru Mori and Rico Murakami, who is a historical consultant of 19th century’s England. Emma’s calm and peaceful personality attracts many Japan and other countries’ men and women, not only manga-otakus. Since this comic was first released in Japan in 2002, it has been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, German and many more languages. It was adapted into a TV anime series as well, and aired worldwide.

    Though I’m United States fetish, after reading this comic I changed my mind to adore UK and British culture as well. I want to go to London and Yorkshire some day but I unlikely can do it because I have no money to fly there :-<

  • Write what you hear

    Before watching the musical show Sunday afternoon at Kokugakuin Tochigi High School, I visited a classroom where the English Club had a demonstration in the cultural festival.
    When I entered the classroom, a schoolgirl belonging to this club and a directing teacher welcomed me. They encouraged me to try to have the “dictation quiz,” where you listened to several short English sentences a native English speaker spoke over the audio cassette recorder and you wrote the actual words of the sentences. Its difficulty ranged from Level 1 to Level 6. Level 1 was the easiest and Level 6 the most advanced. Of course I chose Level 6 because I was proud of my 20 years of English experience.
    I was guided to a desk, asked to be seated on the chair, and handed an answer sheet. Then the schoolgirl pressed the play button of the casette recorder. The cassette recorder spoke 13 short sentences like “This engine is powerful.” and “Wealthy people like to travel by ship.” These sentences was repeated twice, and I had to handwrite what I heard over the cassette recorder.
    When the quiz was over, the answer sheet was collected by the teacher. He immediately checked my answers and summed up how many sentences were correctly dictated. He told me that I could write 11 out of 13 sentences accurately.
    I found that to write accurately what to hear in English was not easier than that I thought. It is almost impossible to accurately hear very short words like prepositions, so it’s important for dictation that you “predict” those words with all of your knowledge on English. If you can predict missing words and write entire sentences with what you hear, it proves that you can comprehend the sentences.

  • Oliver!

    I went to Tochigi last Sunday to watch a musical show performed by Kokugakuin Tochigi High School’s Musical Club in this high school’s cultural festival held that weekend. I watch this club’s musical every year for these several years. One of my keypals, Mito Saigusa, works for Kokugakuin Tochigi High School as a dance instructor for the Musical Club, so I’m very interested in what the students she is teaching play.
    This year’s show was Oliver!, a well-known British musical by Lionel Bart. It’s a story of a little orphan whose name is Oliver Twist.
    Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.



    僕がホームページ作成にかかわっている劇団A Musical Noteの主宰、三枝幹音サンが非常勤講師として勤務している國學院栃木高校の文化祭が昨日と今日の2日間開かれ、三枝センセイがダンス指導にあたっているミュージカル部の公演がその文化祭期間中に行われるということで、それを見るために栃木までソアラを走らせてきた。

    題目は、1968年にTommy Steele、Julia Foster主演の映画にもなった「Half a Sixpence」。あらすじを簡単に説明すると、イギリスのとある孤児、Arthur Kippsは、Shalford氏の経営する洋服店の見習いとして働いている。Ann PornickはKippsの幼なじみで、互いに愛を誓い合っている仲なのだが、最近なかなか会う機会がない。そこでKippsは6ペンス硬貨を半分に割り、その片方を、離れていても自分のことを思い出せるように、いわゆる「愛の印」としてAnnに渡していた。

    ある日、Kippsは祖父の遺した莫大な遺産を相続することになる。たちまちにして大金持ちとなったKippsは、今まで想っていたAnnを捨て、地元の令嬢、Helen Walsinghamに走る。Kippsは身なりを変え、上流社会に溶け込もうとする。Kippsのことを愛していたHelenもまた、Kippsと婚約して彼を改善しようとする。Helenの兄は、Kippsの投資顧問として彼の相談役となる。





    ※ミュージカル部の公演のタイトルでは「HALF A SIX PENCE」と書かれていたが、「6ペンスという金額」ではなく、「6ペンス硬貨1枚」という意味なので(前にAがついてるし)、本来は「SIXPENCE」と1単語にするようである。

  • シンガポール訪問記4






