Category: Aviation 航空

  • Off to Hong Kong / 香港行ってきます

    Gate 14


    I’m going to Hong Kong tonight. I last visited there six years ago. I’ll be back in Japan on Sunday 6th.

    Action items in Hong Kong: to get SIM-lock-free iPad2 and, if possible, iPhone4S at Mong Kok; registration of new address and passport number for my account of HSBC; and sightseeing at Stanley, Aberdeen, and Lamma Island.

  • Tribute to stewardesses / 機上の女神


    I love stewardesses, or female flight attendants working on the aeroplane. As is often the case with Asian airlines, Japan’s airlines such as Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways have many attractive-looking stewardesses because of the history they once hired such women as flight attendants.

    Nevertheless, I love them not only because they look good. It goes without saying that they aren’t so much “the waitresses on the plane” as “the security staff” who maintain the security of the aircraft cabin. To satisfy passengers in normal or emergency conditions, they need to have hard training and pass tests to be qualified as flight attendants. Even after they manage to become stewardesses, they should have and pass periodic tests to avoid being disqualified. Their attractive smiles, dignified attitudes, and graceful behaviour on the plane backed up with their pride in strict training, mesmerise us very much. They are really noble and saintly women, differing from similarly good-looking women like newscasters of telly stations or campaign girls in pits of motor racing circuits.

    Their brave and cool-headed actions often save many passengers. When the ANA 857 aeroplane was hijacked at Hakodate Airport in Hokkaido, Japan on 21 June 1995 by a desperate banker, a flight attendant was captured by him, being got a full nelson with a knife pointed at her, and taken in hostage in the cabin for tens of hours with the passengers and the other crew. After police and all the passengers released had captured the criminal, she attended a press conference. She had an interview with the press corps, talking calmly in front of TV cameras about what had been going on in the cabin at that time. She behaved like a real professional. A standard young girl would’ve been too shocked and mentally damaged to appear in public and talk in front of press staff if she had experienced such tough circumstances. The crew members were so calm, disciplined, and strong-minded that the criminal didn’t get so much furious, resulting in killing or injuring no personnel until arrested.

    When it comes to strong-minded actions in a dangerous situation, policewomen and military servicewomen may have such professionalism as well. They don’t enchant me, however, for police officers are the person who controls us, regulates us and exercises power over us, and the soldiers, sailors, and airwomen don’t appear in our daily lives, so they aren’t familiar to me.

    For me, flight attendants offering us their best service on board are the best women. It’s the happiest time for me that, on the taxiing aeroplane preparing for takeoff, I catch the eyes of a stewardess sitting in the jump seat facing me and when our eyes meet we smile at each other.

    As a passenger, I always respect them. When getting aboard, I don’t forget to say hello to the greeting crew at the entrance door. When I lift my heavy luggage to stow it into the overhead stowage, I do it by myself instead of making her do it. I order food or drink in a polite attitude, and when she serves me and clears the table, I always say thank you to her with a smile. Of course, I say thank you and goodbye to them to show my most gratitude when I’m getting off the aircraft at destination.

    Needless to say, annoying the cabin crew is absolutely unacceptable. Deplorably, there are such idiots that smoke in the lavatory, use a mobile phone in the cabin, yell at her for trivial matters, or even use violence or pervert actions on her. Such vulgar passengers should get off the plane, as they don’t reach the level of class to be qualified to use it.

    An aircraft cabin is a salon for sophisticated ladies and gentlemen. The noble hostesses will smile at only such cultivated persons that can prudently enjoy travel.














  • Going to Shanghai / 上海行ってきます

    Going to Shanghai / 上海行ってきます

    I’m going to Shanghai for a 100% business trip this time. It snowed very much near Narita Airport when I was coming in the Limousine Bus, but it’s fine now.
    Gate 38

    I wonder if I will be able to use the Internet in China because I hear Twitter and Facebook are all blocked there…

  • Trip to Singapore and Malaysia / シンガポール・マレーシアの旅

    Trip to Singapore and Malaysia / シンガポール・マレーシアの旅


    I’m going on a trip to Singapore and Malaysia until next Thursday because we have the “Silver Week” in Japan, with two national holidays (next Monday and Thursday) and three days of leave. For me, this is this year’s second trip to foreign countries. As I have 20,000 miles of United Airlines’ frequent flyer program, I can get a round-trip ticket from Japan to South Asia. I chose Singapore because Singapore is the country where I enjoyed six years ago, and I have looked forward to visiting again. This time, I’m going to visit Johor Bahru and another city in Malaysia because they are close to Singapore and maybe I can have easy access to those cities.

    I’ll bring unlocked iPhone bought from Hong Kong other than regular cell phones I use daily, to use it at cheaper costs by replacing Softbank’s SIM card I always use in Japan with prepaid SIM cards I’ll get at destination countries. Skype is installed on the iPhone so that I can receive calls at any time regardless of countries I’ll be in, even if a phone number will be frequently changed.

    UA803 to Singapore
    United 803 to Singapore

    The plane departed Narita at 1735 and arrived at SIN at 2330. It was earlier than scheduled. Seven hours’ flight in the economy seat of United Airlines was kind of tough, and I had severe back pain when I got off 🙁

    Arrival gate
    Arrival Gate

    Changi Airport immigration

    Arrival level
    Arrival Level




  • Going to Taipei / 台湾に行ってきます

    Going to Taipei / 台湾に行ってきます


    I’ll be in Taipei until next Monday to see my brother working there now. The airplane will depart in an hour. I’m typing this entry in front of the gate. Flight attendants are chatting very loudly…. Anyway I’ll enjoy being abroad because it’s been almost three years since my last trip to a foreign country.



  • NY不時着事故より


  • 帰省


    Mt. Fuji


  • 帰国しますた

    Mahi-mahi sandwich


  • ノースウェストの機内

    Northwest B747-400 aircraft
    行きの機内では非常口座席に割り当てられました。当初は別の座席を選んでいたんですが、搭乗直前になってゲートに呼び出され、替わって欲しいと言われました。お見合い席?とちょっと期待したのですが、向かい合わせに座った乗務員は恰幅のいい中年男性パーサーとアジア系の中年女性。男性パーサーのほうは、非常口座席に座っている私たち2人を指差し、「You guys! 緊急時には他の乗客の脱出をヘルプしてくれよ!(たぶんそんな意味の英語)ペラペラペラ(あとは聞き取れず)」とまくしたて、離着陸時にはお見合い席で横に座っている女性乗務員のほうとペチャクチャ雑談。まあいいんだけど……。