The words of the year 2018 / 2018年のキーワード


I’m writing such an entry right now because I couldn’t post any entries in the end of 2018. When I tried to open the “add a new post” page, I had a 500 Internal Server Error and couldn’t open the page. Now I fixed it. It was because some of the plugins I installed in this blog system conflicted, so I deactivated the troublesome plugins and now I can post new entries. Thank you this article.

I’m looking back what happened in the year 2018 as I usually do it in the end of every year, and picking out some short words representing the last year. The words of the year 2001 were getting a flat within the Tokyo metropolitan areaa position change at the office, and Soarer. The word of the year 2002 was America. The words of the year 2003 were the airplane and the musical. The words of the year 2004 were the blogAsian countries (Singapore and Hong Kong), and the GSM mobile phone. The words of the year 2005 were dartsthe GSM and WCDMA mobile phone, and visiting Hong Kong again. The words of the year 2006 were the US stock and the mutual fund. The words of the year 2007 were changing my car and visiting Hawaii. The words of the year 2008 were England and Fukagawa. The words of the year 2009 were office position changeMacBook Pro and JR Seishun 18 Ticket. The words of the year 2010 were Taiwan, Singapore and MalaysiaiPhone and the credit card. The words of the year 2011 were the carthe British culture and China. The words of the year 2012 were Ojithe mahjongthe flight attendant and Facebook. The words of the year 2013 were AyurvedaKoreahigh school alumniand Tsuyoshi Takashiro. The words of the year 2014 were England and Android. The words of the year 2015 were Maine, United States; Estonia and transfer of workplace. The words of the year 2016 were traveling to places in Japanmapping and Jeep. The words of the year 2017 were Yurie OmiNHKshingles, and English exams.

Now I’m picking out as the words of the year 2018: cashless, Japanese language and comeback.

I’ve been in touch a lot with the cashless society since last year. I set up Apple Pay in the Wallet of my iPhone8, and stored my American Express Gold Card and Suica, a rechargeable contactless electric money card used as a fare card on train lines, convenience stores and other shops in Japan. Other than Apple Pay, I have used Line Pay, which allows payment using your Line account, mainly for the payments at Lawson and major drugstores. I use Origami Pay for dining at KFC and shopping at Loft department store. Today I rarely use cash for buying a can of soft drink at the vending machine, buying groceries at the supermarket, buying coffee at Starbucks, dining at McDonald’s, and passing through the wicket to take trains. All I need is my iPhone8 to do these things.

I paid attention more to brushing up skills of Japanese language than to mastering English this year. I took the first grade of Nihongokentei test (This is not the JLPT N1 test!) and passed it. I don’t know how it helps in my work or life, though. As for comeback, I was appointed to a new position of the company I work and my workplace was relocated in November.

Almost three months being passed since the beginning of the year 2019, I have already experienced a lot of things in this single year. I’m so excited.

今ごろになってこんな記事を書いているのは、昨年末はWordPressのトラブルのせいで新規記事投稿ができなくなっていたせいです。新規記事投稿のボタンを押すと500 Internal Server Errorが出てしまっていたんですが、どうやらプラグインが悪さをしていたらしいことがわかり、いくつかプラグインを停止すると表示できるようになりました。ここのサイトに感謝です。


2009年のキーワード:職場異動MacBook Pro青春18きっぷ


昨年はキャッシュレスが本格化した時代でした。自分のiPhone8のウォレットにApple Payを入れ、クレジットカードやSuicaをそこに入れてコンビニや鉄道やその他のお店を利用しました。Apple Pay以外にも、LINEが提供するLINE Payはローソンや大手の薬局で利用できますし、Origami PayはKFCやLoftなどで使えます。今では自販機でジュースを買うのも、スーパーで買い物するのも、スタバやマクドナルドも電車の利用も、現金を使う機会が極端に減りました。iPhone8があればこれらのことがみなできてしまうようになったからです。





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