
  • Becoming an e-Estonian / エストニアのマイナンバー

    Becoming an e-Estonian / エストニアのマイナンバー


    Estonia, one of the Baltic countries which became independent of the Soviet Union along with Latvia and Lithuania in the early 1990s, is one of the IT-conscious countries with significant numbers of IT-related startups, including Skype. The Estonian government is doing its best to make a “digital country” by inviting IT engineers to some offshore development sites in Europe’s IT market.

    The government issues Estonian citizens an ID card, just similar to a Social Security Card in the United States, which enables holders to offer one-stop services including taxation, online banking, issuing medical prescriptions, and more. In addition to offering an ID card for real residents, it started the e-Residency scheme, which is available for not only residents within Estonia but people who don’t really live in Estonia. In this scheme, an “e-Residency Card” is issued to the “e-Residents” of Estonia, and similar services to those for real residents are offered “electronically” with the card via their computers.

    Application for an e-Residency Card is easy. First, you have to visit the application page of the e-Estonia website at And then you can apply for the card by filling in the necessary information in the form of the web page and paying €50.99 online by credit card. You can make the card to be sent to any Estonian Embassy outside Estonia so that you can pick it up at the nearest Embassy without flying to Estonia. About one month from the online application the card will be ready when you will receive notification by email.




  • イギリスの貴族



  • Taco Bell in Japan / タコベルがとうとう日本に!

    Taco Bell in Japan / タコベルがとうとう日本に!


    Today I went to Taco Bell at Shibuya, which had opened last Tuesday as Japan’s first Taco Bell store and hundreds of people had waited in the queue for more than two hours in front of the store on the first day only. Today there was a long queue, too. A staff member standing at the end of the queue said that I had to wait up to two hours to be served from there. It was a bit tough for me to wait such a long time, but it couldn’t be helped to do it to enjoy the American taste I’d ever had in New York where I had travelled for a business trip.


  • Hello world!

    The blog I’ve left unmaintained for a long time has been renewed. It’s based on WordPress I’m trying to use for the first time. This is my first post. I’ll edit or delete it, then start blogging!


  • 震災から20年




  • Twenty years from the Earthquake

    Twenty years from the Earthquake

    Today in 1995, a big earthquake suddenly hit Kobe and the Hanshin-Awaji area, killing more than 6,000 people and destroying millions of households and buildings in that area. At that time I lived in my parents’ house in Nishinomiya, Hyogo, a city in the eastern vicinities of Kobe. This entry is the record of what I experienced there when that disaster happened twenty years ago.


  • Happy New Year 2015 / 平成二十七乙未年が明けました

    May our Imperial Nation be prosperous and people be peaceful.

  • Words of the year 2014 / 2014年のキーワード


    I list up the most impressive events I experienced each year as the “words of the year” every year-end, like this:

    The words of the year for 2001: getting a flat within the Tokyo metropolitan area, a position change at the office, and Soarer.
    The words of the year for 2002: America.
    The words of the year for 2003: the airplane and the musical.
    The words of the year for 2004: the blog, Asian countries (Singapore and Hong Kong), and the GSM mobile phone.
    The words of the year for 2005: darts, the GSM and WCDMA mobile phone, and visiting Hong Kong again.
    The words of the year for 2006: the US stock and the mutual fund.
    The words of the year for 2007: changing my car and visiting Hawaii.
    The words of the year for 2008: England and Fukagawa.
    The words of the year for 2009: office position change, MacBook Pro and JR Seishun 18 Ticket.
    The words of the year for 2010: Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia; iPhone; and the credit card.
    The words of the year for 2011: the car, the British culture and China.
    The words of the year for 2012: Oji, the mahjong, the flight attendant and Facebook.
    The words of the year for 2013: Ayurveda, Korea, high school alumni and Tsuyoshi Takashiro.
    Now I have the words of the year 2014: England and Android.

    Though England is the word chosen in 2008 and 2011 (as “the British culture” at that time), I’ve chosen it again because I really visited this country this year. I did it twice! Visiting the real England was one of my dreams for years, and at last, this dream came true. I was in London, Haworth, Folkestone, Hastings, Tunbridge Wells, and more. I’d got the chance to walk on the moors, drink beer in the pub, stay in the B&B and the hotel, and even drive the roads of Great Britain!

    Through these trips, I got to know many aspects of England. Some were the same as what I expected, and others weren’t. On the whole, the UK looked similar to Japan. It made me find reassuring in a sense, and at the same time, it gave me less excitement than the countries like the United States and Hong Kong, where there was plenty of what I’d never seen before. England is certainly an “old” country, which Japan will be like at no distant date.

    The second word, Android is what I began to use this year as an operating system of my mobile phone. I owned iPhone5 before, but I replaced it with an Android smartphone because I found out Android OS and phones were getting more and more dominant in the world (in particular the countries other than Japan and the US) than iOS and iPhones even if iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus were released this autumn. You may not be aware of it if you are in Japan, where you’ll see many people still use iPhones, but I feel the time is slowly changed. I think that the era of the iPhone will be over in a few years.

    Buying and using many different types of Android smartphones from entry models to high-end ones, I found that Sony Xperia Z3 Compact would fit for me the most, with balanced capabilities and costs. Though I don’t know which type of mobile phones will be dominant next year, I’ll use it in the short run.

    Looking forward to new wonderful things I’ll come across next year. Have a nice New Year, everyone!

    2009年のキーワード:職場異動MacBook Pro青春18きっぷ


    2番目のキーワード、アンドロイドは、今年私が持ち始めた携帯です。これまでiPhone5を持ってましたが、世界的には(特に日米以外)iPhone6やiPhone6 Plusが秋に出たとは言え、iOSよりもAndroidのほうが優勢みたいなので、Androidのスマホに変えました。日本にいるとみんなiPhoneばっかりなので気付きにくいですが、時代はゆっくりと変化しているように感じます。iPhoneの時代はあと数年で終わると、私は思います。

    エントリー機からハイエンド機までいろいろ買いましたが、結局ソニーのXPERIA Z3 Compactが機能とコストのバランスがよく、これに落ち着きました。来年はどの機種が売れるかわかりませんが、さしあたりこれを使ってみたいと思います。


  • My second visit to England / 二度目の英国訪問


    I revisited the UK in September as my first visit there in February was very nice. This time I went to Folkestone, Kent, where it was taken place by the musical Half A Sixpence I watched at Kokugakuin Tochigi High School, via Brighton, Tunbridge Wells, Hastings, Rye, and New Romney.

    2月に初めてイギリスに行ってみたのがすごくよかったので、9月にもう一度イギリスに行ってきました。今回は國學院栃木高校の文化祭で観たミュージカル「Half A Sixpence」の舞台になったケント州のフォークストンへ、ブライトン、タンブリッジウェルズ、ヘイスティングス、ライ、ニューロムニー経由で行ってきました。

