It’s a little bit late, though.
I had used Nokia N82 with Softbank Mobile’s SIM card as a main mobile phone so far. I had told my friends the phone number of it. But it had been kind of inconvenient because it had had narrower signal reception areas than the mobiles of NTT DoCoMo so if you had gone underground or deep into a big building you couldn’t have had it communicated. More than that, (it’s the situation peculiar to Japan, though) you can send SMS only to the mobiles of the same carrier as yours. Most of my friends had NTT DoCoMo mobile phones, so I’d wanted to change the carrier of my handphone into NTT DoCoMo.
NTT DoCoMo had released Samsung’s Galaxy S handphones in November, and they had been lovely for me, but they had been in such a short supply in those days that I couldn’t have got any. I’d given up waiting for one.
At that time, Japan Communications had begun releasing b-mobile’s micro-SIM cards together with unlocked iPhone4 imported from Hong Kong. JC had been selling the imported iPhone4 to its customers on hire purchase. JC was providing mobile phone service using NTT DoCoMo’s network, so if you had a mobile with b-mobile’s SIM card installed you could use it in almost the same manner as NTT DoCoMo, including sending and receiving SMS to and from NTT DoCoMo’s phones.
That’s why I purchased b-mobile’s micro-SIM card called “b-micro talkingSIM” and iPhone4. Before the purchase, I had cancelled the contract with Softbank Mobile and had the phone number used in it reassigned to the new micro SIM card so that I could use the same phone number as that I had told my friends.
電話番号を人に教えているメインの音声回線としてNokia N82にソフトバンクのSIMを入れて使ってたんですが、ソフトバンクはなにぶんエリアが狭くて、地下やビルの奥などでは電波が届かないことがままありました。それに、(日本特有の事情として)異キャリアにSMSが送れないというのがあり、周りにドコモユーザーが多い中、ソフトバンクだと不便を感じることがあったので、ドコモに変えたいという思いがありました。ドコモは11月にサムソンのGalaxySをリリースしたのでぜひ欲しかったんですが、なにぶん品薄で手に入らず……あきらめることにしました。
てことで、「b−micro talkingSIM」というb−mobileのマイクロSIMカードとiPhone4を買っちゃいました。買う前にMNPでソフトバンクを解約し、こっちに電話番号を移し替えました。



おまけ:Q−SIM Dual SIM Card。マイクロSIMカードと普通のSIMカードを1本の薄いケーブルでつなぎ、2つのSIMカードを1台のiPhone4で使えるスグレモノです。ケーブルの一端をマイクロSIMカードとトレイではさみ、それを本体に差し込み、他方の端に別のSIMカードを入れて本体の背中側へ折り曲げ本体をケースに入れると、別々のキャリアの携帯番号が1台で使えるようになります。SIMカードの自動切り換えも可能です。