Category: Mindfulness マインドフルネス

  • 本当のイギリスへの旅

    Town in Haworth

  • A trip to real England

    Town in Haworth
    Although it was a bit while ago, I made a private trip to the United Kingdom. It was not the British Hills, not an English village, not a British-style cottage in Tochigi Prefecture, not any other “fake Britain” in Japan. It was the real England, where I had wanted to visit before I died. I visited London and Haworth, West Yorkshire. Both of those places were introduced in Japanese manga, Emma, by Kaoru Mori, which was one of my favourite comics I’d ever read.

  • Another approach to health / 健康へのもうひとつのアプローチ


    Ayurvedic medicine, or Ayurveda, is a system of traditional medicine with 3,000 years of history native to the Himalayan area. Even today it is regarded as part of alternative medicine in such countries as India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Especially in Sri Lanka, it is protected and encouraged as one of the national industries by the Department of Ayurveda, the world’s only administrative ministry related to it.

    There is a Sri-Lankan-style Ayurvedic clinic in Japan, which I’ve visited monthly for almost half a year. Sunil Nishimura, a Sri Lankan Ayurvedic practitioner, has been running this clinic since 1996 in Kawagoe, Saitama. He first came to Japan in 1994, and soon after that, he became ill because of his stressful life in Japan. He asked his family to send him Ayurvedic herbs. He took them imported from his home country and changed his eating habits into Sri Lankan ones. Then he recovered his health soon after he changed his life. That was why he opened a clinic based on Ayurveda for Japanese people who suffered from diseases of civilisation.

  • Health

    This year I can’t help concerning about the importance of health, because I’ve felt unwell since the beginning of this year when I caught a cold. I’ve had coughing for almost two months and it isn’t cured completely even at this time. I used lavender oil to make my body immunity stronger but it didn’t work well. I had not so much spirit to update my blog so I kept it unchanged for many months. In the beginning of April I had to cancel to go to cherry festivals at Camp Zama and Yokosuka Naval Base because of fever I had.

    Thank God I feel better these days. I’ll visit Negishi Heights for its gate-open tomorrow.

  • Drive virus away with lavender essential oil / ラベンダーオイルで風邪を撃退

    Drive virus away with lavender essential oil / ラベンダーオイルで風邪を撃退


    Many people around me are suffered from cold in this season. As many people know well, cold is caused by being infected by viruses. In the crowded area like Tokyo, you can easily catch viruses on the crowded commuter trains. It is inevitable to take virus if you go out on a normal basis. For this, to avoid catching cold you must be immune to viruses, because (unlike germs that can be killed by antibiotics) no medicine but your white blood cells can kill viruses.

    There are several options to keep your body’s immunity. Taking nutritious foods will help to keep you immune. Sleeping well will also be nice. Avoiding much stress, much alcohol or anything impairing your immunity is also important for keep you healthy. Besides, aromatherapic means can work well.

    I read books saying that lavender essential oil was good for strengthen your body’s immunity against harmful viruses or germs and English people used it on a daily basis to prevent cold. I imported Tisserand’s 20ml lavender oil from England for about £10, because the books said that Tisserand provided good essential oils.






    Tisserandのラベンダーオイルはで販売してるんですが、どういうわけか日本には発送してくれないので、OneNilTrade Limited(というところから取り寄せました。




  • Christmas illuminations / クリスマスのイルミネーション

    Christmas Illumination
    Christmas Illumination
    Christmas Illumination

    Illuminations displayed in front of houses near my apartment. Thanks to Shuji Nakamura who invented a blue LED, we get more variations of decoration with lights.

  • 不思議な呪文

                            (読売新聞) – 1月25日14時41分更新


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