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Shofukutei Riko
Shofukutei Riko (笑福亭里光) is a professional rakugo artist who speaks Kansai-dialect rakugo stories. Rakugo is, as written in Wikipedia, a form of Japanese verbal entertainment where the lone storyteller sits on stage and depicts a long and complicated comical (or sometimes sentimental) story using only a paper fan and a small cloth as props.
He was one of my classmates when we were junior high school students. Besides, he was one of my best friends. In junior high I talked him a lot, played with him a lot, belonged the same club as he did, and resigned from the club together with him on the same day. He sometimes played rakugo on stage in school events. His performance was rising above the level of amateur, so he was called shisho, a title which is used to a professional rakugo storytellers.
After we graduated from junior high, we went to different high school. We didn’t see each other for ages.
One day in 2012 I was staying in a hotel room watching an entertainment program on TV, where several rakugo artists who had just promoted to the shin’uchi rank were on stage and they were giving speeches in turn to show their thankful feelings for the promotion. The program reminded me of the wanted-to-be-a-rakugo-storyteller classmate. I wondered if he still kept up his hobby. Watching TV, I thought he might appear on such an entertainment program someday. To my surprise, he really did it in the very program that day.
According to the information online, after graduating from university he became one of the disciples of Shofukutei Tsuruko (笑福亭鶴光), one of well-known rakugo artists, to start his rakugo career in 1998. He promoted to the futatsume rank in July 2002 and became a shin’uchi in May 2012.
I tried to contact to him. Since he had a Twitter account, I sent a direct message to him. He replied to me soon. We talked a bit on Twitter for a while. Several months later we met face-to-face for the first time in more than 25 years. He had not changed at all since we saw in the junior high.
Now I sometimes go to his stage to listen to his story, and see him offstage. Last night I saw him in Shinjuku and went for a drink with him at an izakaya in the westgate area of Shinjuku. He was fine. We talked a lot. I drank too much and I have hangover this morning, though.
I think that being friends with public figures might help me have a chance to see the celebrity world, and maybe it would even change my life.
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Oklahoma! / オクラホマ!
This year I saw Oklahoma! at Kokugakuin Tochigi University High School. Every year I go to the cultural festival of this high school to see a play performed by the Musical Club. This club consists of tenth and twelfth graders of this high school, playing musical on an after-school basis. They have regular performances several times a year, and the biggest one is a show at the cultural festival in early September. Mieko Saigusa, one of this club’s instructors in charge of choreography, is the lady I know well and look forward to seeing once a year. That’s why I go to this high school even though I didn’t graduate from it and, to be sure, I’m nothing to do with it.
The city of Tochigi is about 50 miles to the north from central Tokyo. Car is the most convenient option to go there, but I went there by train for the last two years as I didn’t have my own car since I sold it two years ago.
Nevertheless, this time I rented a car to get there faster and more comfortably.
Ms. Saigusa was fine, worked energetically, and looked a bit younger than last year. To my happiness, when I came this morning in front of the entrance door of the musical venue, she led only me to the front row of the spectator’s seats inside the theater where the show was performed, while other guests were still waiting in front of the door
The musical was perfect. All the cast members played almost as skillfully as professional musical players. I enjoyed it very much.
The synopsis of Oklahoma! is shown here.
動画でウエディングドレスを着て歌っている女性は関谷ひかりさん。今の宝塚宙組 天瀬はつひさんです。
Anime festival / ねりたんアニメプロジェクト
The town of Nerima, Tokyo, where I live for seven years, is home to Japanese animation, or anime. Nerima has had one of the biggest anime studios, Toei Animation Company, as well as more than 90 intensive anime-related companies since Japan’s first anime film was aired in 1958. World’s famous animes such as Dragon Ball series, One Piece, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Sailor Moon series, has been created in this place.
The Nerima Ward government hosted today an anime festival, Neritan Anime Project in Oizumi, around Oizumi Gakuen station of Seibu Railway, to which Toei Animation Company is close. Leiji Matsumoto, one of Japan’s famous manga-anime artists and a resident of the Oizumi neighborhood, was invited to the festival. One of his works, the Galaxy Express 999, was a great anime series popular among many Japanese kids in 1980s. For those of you who don’t know this manga, the story of it is set in a space-faring, high-tech future, where mechanized people with “machine bodies” are pushing humanity towards irrelevance and extinction. A street urchin, Tetsuro, wants an indestructible machine body, giving him the ability to live forever. While machine bodies are expensive, they are supposedly given away for free on the planet Andromeda, the end of the line for the space train Galaxy Express 999. He meets up with a beautiful woman, Maetel, who is the spitting image of his dead mother. Maetel offers him passage on 999 if he will be her traveling companion. Tetsuro agrees. Another notable character is the strict, mysterious alien conductor, that sometimes gets involved in Tetsuro and Maetel’s adventures. (See Wikipedia) The Galaxy Express 999 was first published in 1978, so this year is the 30th anniversary.
Today Matsumoto was appointed a “one-day station master” of Oizumi Gakuen station. He settled near the station when he was 25 years old, and created the wonderful manga and anime works in Oizumi. The ward government and the Seibu Railway company granted such a honorary position on him for his long-year contribution to this neighborhood.
He said through his speech, that his habitation in the Oizumi neighborhood was destiny. When he came to Tokyo from his birthplace, Fukuoka, he just “happened to” start living there. One day when he walked around his house he found a former resident of Tomitaro Makino, a Japan’s well-known botanist. At that time he began his manga artist career through his first work focusing on entomology. Matsumoto felt as if he had been lead to live near Makino, as a person working with wildlife.
When it comes to destiny, I happened to begin reading his Galaxy Express 999 comic books just two weeks ago as well as Emma, when I did not know about this festival. I think that perhaps it is also destiny that I read this comic these days and come to the festival today.
Anime is now not only a maniac hobby by otakus, geeks or nerds, but is one of Japan’s important industries today. As Japan’s economy has been in recession for many decades and its technology is becoming less cost-effective, anime industry may be a great messiah for the future Japanese people.
Some of the pictures are uploaded on Flickr.
練馬区主催で、「ねりたんアニメプロジェクト in 大泉」というのが今日、大泉在住の漫画家・松本零士氏を招いて西武線の大泉学園の駅近くで行われています。松本零士氏は「銀河鉄道999」で有名な漫画家で、「銀河鉄道999」は80年代の子供ならこの漫画を知らない人はいないというぐらい有名な作品です。若い人たちのために説明すると、「銀河鉄道999」は高度技術文明が栄え、「機械の身体」を持った人々が人間性を失っていっている未来の宇宙を舞台にした作品で、星野鉄郎という少年が不滅の機械の身体を手に入れることで永遠の命を求めていますが、機械の身体は高価で、ただ惑星アンドロメダに行けばそれをタダで手に入れられるといわれています。惑星アンドロメダは銀河鉄道999の終着駅であり、そのため鉄郎は銀河鉄道に乗りたいと思っています。鉄郎は、亡き母の面影を残した美しい女性メーテルと出会います。メーテルは、鉄郎にもし自分と一緒に来てくれるなら999のパスをあげると言い、鉄郎は同意して、999での旅が始まります。999では、鉄郎とメーテルの旅にかかわる厳格で不思議な車掌さんを交え、物語が展開していきます。
These days I’m stuck with reading Emma, which isn’t Jane Austin’s novel but a comic by Japanese manga artist, Kaoru Mori. It’s a love story of a gentleman of the gentry class and a maid servant of a lower birth in England in the Victorian era.
Emma, born in a poor seaside Yorkshire village and working at a house of a retired governess in London as a maid, is a girl who is a little bit shy and reserved but clever and hard-working. One day she met William Jones, the eldest son of the “House of Jones”, a very wealthy merchant middle class family that is attempting to rise into the gentry, and then they fall in love with each other. The two meet many obstacles in their love because the marriage of persons of different classes was not allowed in England of that era, but they try to overcome it.
This manga is not just a story for “maid-moé” readers in Akihabara. It’s a love story of the people of the Victorian age, under detailed historical investigation by Kaoru Mori and Rico Murakami, who is a historical consultant of 19th century’s England. Emma’s calm and peaceful personality attracts many Japan and other countries’ men and women, not only manga-otakus. Since this comic was first released in Japan in 2002, it has been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, German and many more languages. It was adapted into a TV anime series as well, and aired worldwide.
Though I’m United States fetish, after reading this comic I changed my mind to adore UK and British culture as well. I want to go to London and Yorkshire some day but I unlikely can do it because I have no money to fly there :-<