Category: Computer Science コンピュータサイエンス

  • Changes of the world from COVID-19 / アフターコロナでどう変わる?

    Changes of the world from COVID-19 / アフターコロナでどう変わる?


    COVID-19 is dreadfully spreading throughout the world, hospitalizing more than 3,100,000 people and taking the lives of more than 200,000 patients as of April 29, according to Johns Hopkins University. It is no exceptions here in Tokyo.

    The virus is forcing all people in the world to change their lifestyles. Many have been grounded for months. Essential workers, such as doctors, healthcare workers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, supermarket clerks, garbage collectors, delivery servicepersons, and staff involved in public transportation, work outside facing the fear of infection.

    I’ve been staying at my house in Tokyo for almost two months. Although the confirmed cases and the death toll in Japan are lower than those in the United States, there are hundreds of cases tested positive and dozens of casualties every day. People are requested to refrain from non-essential journeys and maintain proper social distancing like the US and other countries to avoid causing overshooting of patients. These days I work from home, watch TV, surf the internet, read e-books, have meals delivered at the door, eat them, and sleep in the bed.

    Nobody knows when this inconvenience ends. Some say that it will take 18 months for everything to get back to normal. Others say that it will never return to what it was before the outbreak. Since public health specialists say that the situation in Tokyo is three weeks behind that in New York City, the Metropolitan Government will probably lift the de facto lockdown no sooner than three weeks after NYC. As of today, no countries reopened business yet.

    I’m at home all day long, unless I buy foods at the grocery store or wash my laundry at the laundromat. I have much more time to think about what the world will become in forthcoming years. Here’s what I think the world will change:

  • Becoming an e-Estonian / エストニアのマイナンバー

    Becoming an e-Estonian / エストニアのマイナンバー


    Estonia, one of the Baltic countries which became independent of the Soviet Union along with Latvia and Lithuania in the early 1990s, is one of the IT-conscious countries with significant numbers of IT-related startups, including Skype. The Estonian government is doing its best to make a “digital country” by inviting IT engineers to some offshore development sites in Europe’s IT market.

    The government issues Estonian citizens an ID card, just similar to a Social Security Card in the United States, which enables holders to offer one-stop services including taxation, online banking, issuing medical prescriptions, and more. In addition to offering an ID card for real residents, it started the e-Residency scheme, which is available for not only residents within Estonia but people who don’t really live in Estonia. In this scheme, an “e-Residency Card” is issued to the “e-Residents” of Estonia, and similar services to those for real residents are offered “electronically” with the card via their computers.

    Application for an e-Residency Card is easy. First, you have to visit the application page of the e-Estonia website at And then you can apply for the card by filling in the necessary information in the form of the web page and paying €50.99 online by credit card. You can make the card to be sent to any Estonian Embassy outside Estonia so that you can pick it up at the nearest Embassy without flying to Estonia. About one month from the online application the card will be ready when you will receive notification by email.




  • ITILv3 Foundation

    I’ve got a certificate that I’ve passed the ITILv3 Foundation I had taken last December!
    この前受けた英語版ITILv3 Foundationが受かってました!

    2013-01-29 21.32.56.jpg

  • Apples I’ve ever used


    • PowerBook 1400cs (1997/10 – )
    • Power Macintosh 6100 (1999/03 – )
    • iPod nano (2005/12 – )
    • MacBook Pro (2009/10 – )
    • iPhone 3GS (2010/03 – )
    • iPhone 4 (2010/12 – )

    …thanks to Steve. Rest in peace.

  • Being a Mac’er again / またマッカーになりました


    I ordered to purchase MacBook Pro at Apple Store Japan for my new computer. I’ve kept a desktop PC running Windows XP for my personal use on a daily basis for almost eight years, but it’s being unstable these days due to low memory and hardware troubles occuring from time to time, so I needed a new computer.

    Actually, I used to have Powerbook running Mac OS 9 ten years ago. As Windows was being dominant for the business field, it was more convenient to use a Windows PC rather than a Macintosh for sharing data in the office with my house. However, security is now being so big concerns of office workers that most companies don’t let workers take data out of the office rooms. I no longer have an opportunity to see or edit at home any documents I use in the office, so I no longer have to use Windows to see them created by Windows PCs at office.

    It was also an option to wait for a new PC with Windows 7 to be released this month. But, if you buy a Mac as well as an HP printer at the same time at Apple Store Japan, you have a great deal of discount. That’s why I chose Mac this time, because my printer in my room was out of order as well.

    I want to use a computer, PC or Mac, with a US keyboard, because it’s easier for me to type texts with a keyboard of a US layout. In the past, IBM Japan released ThinkPad laptops with a US keyboard and English version Windows OS installed, but after Lenovo acquired IBM, there’s been no such PCs for sale any longer. If you live in Japan and want to have a US-keyboard PC, you’ll have to get an imported PC by accessing online or by going to a special PC store at Akihabara selling foreign PCs. However, one of the main problems with using an imported PC is that its wireless capabilities are not available within Japan because of a Japanese law issue. To activate wireless LAN or Bluetooth connections of a PC or a cell phone within Japan, the device must be certified by Japan’s national inspection facility. Because most PCs sold outside Japan are not certified, it’s forbidden to use the wireless functions of such PCs. (Of course it’s possible to use those functions in secret, but you must remember it’s ILLEGAL!)

    Macintosh these days has an option to be customized so that it has a US keyboard, no matter where you buy it. Plus, Mac OS X has a multilingual option so you can choose any language to display menus or input texts. It’s much easier to display English menus and input Japanese text at the same time.

    That’s why I bought a MacBook Pro.

    Although it was said, when I used Powerbook ten years ago, that Macintosh stood for “Machine Always Crashes, If Not, The Operating System Hangs,” the new MacBook Pro I’m using now is very stable. Wireless connection is very good. Key strokes are not bad. The only thing I have to keep in mind is to get used to the “Macintosh rules” —- to click, when you close a window, on its top left red button instead of clicking on the X button on the top right corner; to hit a [command] key and a space bar at the same time to begin Japanese input instead of hitting [Alt]+[`] keys; to select a menu on the top side of the screen windows, not under the title bar of the active window; etc. I’m still embarrassed by those differences because I haven’t been in touch with Macintosh for almost ten years, but I’m sure I’ll get accustomed with it. Anyway, my computer life is now much more fun!

    MacBook Proを買いました。

    今までWindows XPの自作PCを8年近く使ってきたんですが、寄る年波に勝てず不安定になってきたようで、そろそろ新しいパソコンがほしいな〜と思っていたところです。

    実は10年ぐらい前にMacOS9が動いていたPowerbookを使っていたことがあったんですが、だんだんビジネスの分野でWindowsが支配的になってくるにつれ、家で仕事をするのにWindows PCのほうが便利になってきたんですが、最近セキュリティがやかましくなって会社のデータを家に持ち帰れなくなっているので、わざわざ会社に合わせて家でもWindowsにする必要もなくなってきたわけです。



    ということで、MacBook Proを買いました。

    10年前にPowerbookを使っていた頃は、Macといえばすぐ落ちるで有名だったんですが、今使ってる新しいMacBook Proは非常に安定しています。無線通信もGOOD。キータッチも悪くありません。1つだけ気にかけるのは、いわゆる「Macの流儀」に慣れること—-ウインドウを閉じるときは右上のバッテンではなく左上の赤丸ボタンをクリックするとか、日本語入力に切り替えるときはAlt+`ではなくCommand+スペースを押すとか、メニューは画面の上から選ぶとか。10年Macとごぶさただとまだごっちゃになったりしますが、まあすぐ慣れることでしょう。ともあれ、私のコンピュータライフは格段に楽しくなりました!

  • Joomla!

    10年以上も続けているHIMEMIKO*WEBというサイトですが、昔はHTMLを手打ちで書いたりAdobe GoLiveなどのいわゆる「ホームページ作成ソフト」を使って作っていたんですが、ここ5年ほどはMovable Typeを使って構築しています。これを使うと家にいなくてもどこにいても気軽に更新できるので非常に便利なんですが、これはもともとはブログを作るツールなので、おもに固定的な情報を提供するのが目的で、最新情報を定期的に更新するわけではないHIMEMIKO*WEBのようなサイトの場合、ちょっと違和感があるんですね。

  • LAN環境整備


  • 画像ファイルをスクリーンセーバにする方法

    [スタート]-[コントロール パネル]で、[画面]をクリック。そこで[スクリーン セーバー]タブを選択。そこの[スクリーン セーバー]の下のメニューボックスから[マイ ピクチャ スライドショー](XPの場合。Meの場合は[マイ ピクチャ スクリーンセーバー])を選択。そして、そのメニューボックスの隣にある[設定]ボタンをクリック。
    [このフォルダにある画像を使う]の下の[参照]ボタンをクリックし、使用したい画像ファイルのあるフォルダを選択。[OK]をクリックし、さらに[OK」をクリックして、[スクリーン セーバー]タブに戻る。


  • カスタムHOSTSファイルのススメ

    フリーのカスタムHOSTSファイルがMike Burgess氏のサイトからダウンロードできる(海外サイト)。
