Category: US Policy and Politics 米国の制度と政治
Central Pacific Bank’s aggravation / セントラル・パシフィック・バンクの改悪
日本文が後ろに続きます。 In the mailbox beneath my apartment room, I found a letter from Central Pacific Bank, a Hawaiian bank I’ve kept my account for almost 15 years, saying that it had changed the policy for customers with Non-Resident Alien (NRA). According to the new policy effective April 1 this year, the bank will deduct $20…
The next US President and Japan’s future / 米国大統領選と日本の未来
日本文が後ろに続きます。 Joe Biden made a victory speech as the President-elect today after mysterious ballot-counting processes. However, the Supreme Court of the United States will decide who the real winner is because President Donald Trump is filing cases to courts of several States on the results. No matter which will be the next President of the…
Prelude to WWIII / 第三次世界大戦の序章
日本文が後ろに続きます。 The second year of the Reiwa period began with a nightmare. More precisely, at the beginning of the year, nobody could predict what would be going on just two months later. I am talking about what the entire world is fighting against—COVID-19. The coronavirus outbreak has been an urgent global issue. It was just…
Visiting United States military bases in Japan
Visiting US military bases is fun for me. The US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and US Marine Corps use 75 facilities within Japan and Okinawa, 51 of which are dedicated and the rest 24 shared with Japan Self Defense Force. Though those facilities are usually closed to civilians, they are open to residents…
May peace prevail on Earth – September 11
Today is one of unforgettable days in world history. Nine years ago the terrorist attacks changed not only America but everything in the world. Since that day freedom of our activities in the U.S. and other countries including Japan has been strictly limited. Amateur 9/11 Footages I hope political leaders of the world to take…
はたして日本の国益にどれだけなるのかどうか。民主党政権は歴史的に日本に冷たいですからね。。。1996年のクリントン訪中のときみたいに、「ジャパン・パッシング」が再来しなければいいんですが。。。ブッシュは曲がりなりにも中韓ににらみをきかせてて日本の首相とも仲良くやってたんですが、オバマ政権は果たして北朝鮮の拉致被害者救出に協力的になってくれるでしょうか。。。 まあどっちに転んでも日本はアメリカなしでは生きていけないわけで、これまで通り仲良しこよしでやっていくしかないわけですが。。。無視だけはされないようにしないと、ね。
Fever in Obama
From CNN: Embedded video from CNN Video They may well get excited, because they can earn a great deal of money from visitors to Obama City for at least four years from now. This might be one of Japan’s national benefits Obama Administration will bring to us.